Problems are a part of life, but sometimes they overpower us, making living very difficult. It may be a friend, relative or neighborThese are the times when we all need help.
Thats why Pathways is here!
Pathways is a private, nonprofit, community-based outpatient facility dedicated to providing quality mental health and emergency services to adults 18+ in Lake County.
Founded in 1986 as a stand alone case management facility, Pathways has developed into an agency dedicated to ensuring continuity of care by providing a full continuum of services that provides quality mental health and emergency services to adults 18 and older in Lake County
Whether our clients need emergency support, psychiatry/medication services, or continuing community support, Pathways is here to help them live a better life!
Pathways is governed by a diverse, dedicated volunteer Board of Directors and is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Commission of Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). We are primarily funded by The Lake County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services, Medicaid/Medicare, Donations and Fundraising.
Mission To provide innovative, responsive, and accessible behavioral healthcare that will promote mental wellness and enhance quality of life.
Vision To be a behavioral healthcare provider that promotes the overall health and well-being of our consumers, our employees, and those who live and work in our community.
This website is not for the resolution or use for emergency
situations, but only for the sharing of information & services
provided by Pathways, Inc.