Midwest Homes The leader in manufactured and modular home sales and service in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Since 1972, your neighbors and partners in OUR community
Were your neighbors and friends. Midwest is family owned and operated. Our 40 customer care professionals work hard every day to insure your total satisfaction. We don't just talk about it; we do it! Midwest works hard to earn your business every day.
Northern Built is Better Built. Midwest only offers you quality "Northern" construction. Features such as 2x6 walls, thermal pane insulated windows; quality name brand appliances and superior workmanship are just part of the standard features in every Midwest home.
Service & Support
Construction, service, sales and finance. It's all part of the Midwest customer care commitment. Our technicians work closely to insure your satisfaction. Midwest has the latest in equipment, vehicles and tools needed to do the job right the first time; every time.