Landmark legislation signed in December 2003 contains important insurance reforms. One that will be of particular interest is the creation of the Health Savings Account.
The best decisions are informed decisions. That's why we've compiled a directory of informational sources you have questions about. We provide all of our clients with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their needs and their future.
No one can predict the future, but at Buckeye Insurance Consultants, we take the time to make sure you and your family are protected against life's uncertainties. We work with each of our clients to develop the perfect balance between their needs, and the products we provide them.
Whether your a large employer or a single individual, we offer the right products at the right price to make sure you and your loved ones are protected. We specialize in developing coverage packages that meet both the current and long-term demands of our clients. In fact, we work with over 100 insurers, to make sure we provide the right fit each and every time.
Everything you're looking for
Manage your health care costs in a way that's best for you: choose from different co payment and deductible plans to fit your unique needs. With all of our plans, you'll have access to high-quality care to help keep you healthy, and you'll feel secure knowing you're protected.
Enrollment is simple
Whichever plan you choose, the application process is hassle-free. It's simple to complete the application form, and you'll receive an answer within a few days.
At Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., we take pride in our business and strive to be relationship specialists providing you with the total insurance solution for all your needs.