Standing: Dr. José Casanova, Dr. Morris Kinast, Dr. Nimish Thakore, Dr. Ryan Drake, Dr. Timothy Hagen, Dr. Andrew Stalker, Dr. James Bavis, Dr. Mohamed AlJaberi, Dr. William Washington, Dr. Charles Zollinger
Seated: Dr. Alok Bhagat, Dr. Jennifer Drake, Dr. Jay Berke, Dr. John Andrefsky, Dr. Ned Nafziger
NeuroCare Center strives to enhance the health of the community and all its members in a compassionate and conscientious manner. We offer personalized comprehensive care efficiently delivered and responsive to our patients physical and emotional needs.
Our physicians and staff share one goal to make your visit to our office as helpful and pleasant as possible.
We hope that you will never have an illness that requires our services; but if you do, we will strive to provide comprehensive, personalized services in a professional and empathetic environment.
This website is NOT intended to provide any type of medical care or advice. It is designed to provide convenience, education, and general information to our patients. We are not responsible for the content of sites linked to this page. If emailing for information, please do not include personal information in your email.
Branches and additional offices:
(800) 520-56951401 S Arch Ave Alliance, OH 44601-4202