We are Karen and Bob Young. We are owners of a collision repair facility and previously owned a Hobby Shop. When we were introduced to Xango, we were impressed with our results and the benefits of drinking the health enhancement juice.
Since we had been in other MLM plans over the years and as yet had not made our fortune – we were impressed by the Xango compensation plan and found it very easy to sell.
People of today are concerned with the quality of their health and when you believe in your product it’s easy to sell it to others. Having been disillusioned with the hobby trade we decided to take the big plunge! We sold off our merchandise and closed the Hobby Shop at the end of December 2004.
Since we are both looking forward to retirement in a few years we are putting all of our efforts into building a strong downline of quality distributors. We have completely redecorated the hobby shop into a beautiful tropical setting for distributors to hold meetings, meet potential distributors and customers, provide the Xango product and offer a various supply of literature explaining the product and its benefits.
We are offering this center as an environment to promote and educate our clients and customers of the health benefits of Xango. As a group we want to reach out to others to be healthy, wealthy and wise as well as successful in all their endeavors.