There is a place for you.
"As the Body of the Living Lord, Jesus Christ, we seek to reflect and share God's grace, love, and forgiveness with one another, near and far"
This church is a community of faith that actively proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Good News of Jesus Christ is about God’s unconditional love for each person. This love is revealed through Jesus’s death and resurrection for you. Jesus invites you to follow him to a new life of grace, love, and forgiveness.
This church lives the love of Jesus Christ through its ministry to families by worship, fellowship, and family and youth programming.
This church lives the love of Jesus Christ through its ministry to those in later life by worship, fellowship, and senior citizen programming.
In being “A Center for Family and Later Life Ministry", we are striving to reflect and share God’s grace, love, and forgiveness with you.
Join us, for There is a place for you.