Eluminator, LLP is the manufacturer of LED emergency warning lights. The Eluminator Series system is the latest in LED technology offering High Brightness Outputwith Low Power Drain and Low Heat Buildup. The Slim Line, Waterproof design allows for easy mounting inside or outside of a vehicle. The Eluminator Series is currently made for police and emergency vehicles, school buses and motorcycles with mounting attachments for easy installation, maintenance, and use. However, they can be used for any vehicle that needs high visibility lights. Not only are these LED lights Waterproof and Super Tough they also feature:
Red, Blue, Amber, Green, and White Color Combos
Eluminator, LLP feels the best service that can be provided is easy access to any information needed to buy, install, fix, and operate Eluminator LED lights. This website offers information on Installation, Servicing, Troubleshooting, Prices, Warranty Information, and promotional brochures. If there is any information that you would like to receive but is not on this web site please contact us.