Thank you for stopping by our Web site. Whether you're a parent hoping to learn more about Child Evangelism Fellowship, or if you're thinking about volunteering, or maybe you're a pastor considering partnership with us to reach children for Jesus, we're glad you're here!
As the Local Missionary Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) of MARCK (Morrow, Ashland, Richland, Crawford and Knox counties) chapter, I would like to invite you to consider partnering with CEF to reach the children.
Our CEF Christian Resource Center is located at 1358 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield, OH 44907. Feel free to call (419-756-7799) or stop in to see what resources and training materials CEF has that could assist you in reaching children through evangelism and discipleship opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
The Lord called my wife, Sue, and I here to Ohio in 1997. We are very grateful for the Lord's leading in our lives. He has blessed us with two wonderful children, Matt (16) and Sarah (14) who are both attending Lexington High School.