Auction Anytime - Your Place or Ours!We've Been at the Same Location Since 1984
Market is Opened May through October
Millett Auction House and Marketplace728 Main Street
A little history of our building.....
Our building was the site of the first church in Vermilion. It was small and made of brick during the 1830's. In 1886, they tore it down and used the bricks for the base of this building and built the larger structure. It was always Congregational until in the 1950's, the Baptist purchased it. (The Congregational Church was built as new Church on Rt. 60). In 1984, we purchased this building along with the parsonage next door. The Baptists built a new Church on West River Road in Vermilion. Unable to get funding to make an Inn, we began using the building for Flea Markets, selling antiques and collectibles. In 1994 we began the auction hall.