Legal and financial matters routinely intrude into every day personal lives. All too often, the tendency is to take care of things without any advice or assistance, or it is to ignore such issues entirely. Unfortunately, the results are problems that are expensive and time consuming to fix. Conversely, totally unforeseen circumstances and disasters require almost immediate competent legal assistance.
In both situations, having regular and ongoing legal and financial can make all the difference in terms of time, energy and peace of mind.
Advice on legal and financial issues impacting individuals and professionals.
Areas of Experience
Clients have been helped for more than two decades in the following practice areas:
Employment Matters EEOC Defense Employee Benefits Planning Federal Wage/Hour Law Unemployment Compensation VSSR Claims Defense Workers' Compensation Defense
Taxation Income, Franchise, Sales, Personal Property, Use Taxes IRS Audits Ohio Tax Appeals Tax Planning
Retirement and Estates Estate Administration Estate Planning Retirement Planning Wills and Trusts
Litigation Commercial, Tax, Estate, Trust and other Litigation
Real Estate Closing Leases Loan Documentation Mechanics' Liens Title Insurance
When Things Go Terribly Wrong
Regardless of the approach which and individual may take to living, whether it is always exercising great care and caution or being laid back and not giving a care, there will be occasions when things go terribly wrong both legally and financially. In these circumstances, having a legal and financial advisor who can work through all the complex competing and conflicting issues will hasten the return to a more normal and rational life.
John Onesto is a graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio with a double major in accounting and finance. He received his law degree from The Ohio State University College of Law.
He has practiced law and accounting for over three decades.