Thank you for visiting our website! We trust that by looking around you will get to know us better. We are a community of believers who are passionate in our praise and worship of our God, who desire to impact our community and world with the love of Jesus Christ, and who desire to help all who come through our doors grow in a relationship with Jesus and with one another. While we are located in a small town, our vision is anything but small!
This Coming Sunday, November 14 Concludes our Annual Missions Emphasis Week!
Several of sponsored missionaries from around the world will be highlighted during the service. Video greetings will be shown. Check out our Foreign and Local Missions section of the website for more information.
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Youth Pie (and etc.) Auction, Sunday, November 21
Dinner at 5pm, Auction to follow dinner
NEEDED: donated pies, goodies, food and non-food are needed to auction off! Contact Pastor Ted for details about the auction and how to donate!
Christmas Within Reach 2010
Lots is planned ! Be reading your bulletin inserts and visit the table in the foyer to see how you can be involved in this project! Expect the Holy Spirit within you to enable you to share Jesus this holiday season through demonstrating His Goodness and Kindness to everyone around you!!
Outdoor Fireside Caroling on the hill......
December 17 - 6:30-8pm.
Free chili by Bob, hot chocolate, and glow gifts for the kids. Inside seating available for the elderly and very young if needed.
Let's fill the hillside with Christmas music that proclaims Jesus as Light of the World!
Rain/sleet date, December 18.
FALL Christian Education Classes!
Children's Graded Classes - 9am Our children are leaders now! The Sunday School hour is being used to train our Senior Team (8-12th Grade), our Junior Team (5-7th Grade) and our Elementary Team (K-4th Grade) to minister in drama, puppets, balloons and clowning, as well as leadership skills. Pastor Denise (Children's Pastor) and Pastor Ted (Youth Pastor) will be conducting these training sessions. Preschool will have their own program. On October 17th, the Drama Team is going to the MVDC to minister.
Sunday School resumed September 12 at 9am! Classes are 45 minutes. The following adult classes will be meeting:
Growing a Godly Family with James and Troy Vosler. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 says that the commandments of God are to be in our hearts and so much a part of our lives that we WILL impress them on our children. So what does that mean? How can we teach our children to honor God and have a Biblical worldview as opposed to a secular worldview? This class is different than anything you have ever seen, we guarantee! Enjoyable and practical, we are out to make sure that Christ is exalted as the Head of every family that attends Trinity! 12 sessions
The Issachar School with Dennis Hazen, facilitator. This is a campus of Chuck Pierce's (Glory of Zion) school. Taught in DVD format by Dr. Robert D. Heidler, this course is titled "God's Appointed Times: Breaking Into His Cycle of Blessings" and covers topics such as The Cycle of God, Appointed Times (feasts), and Why Did the Cycle Become Broken (church history). The Tribe of Issachar no only understood the times, but "knew what Israel ought to do." This class is a place to have your horizon line extended, gain a revelation of God's purposes, and a prophetic sensitivity to His timing. 12 sessions
The Covenant with Jim Shutt. November 7, 14, 21. An introduction to the covenant - what it is, its importance and seriousness. Materials provided. Sundays, 9am.
8:30-9am - Worship Team Sound Check
9am - 10am Prayer and Adoration in the Sanctuary led by Jeff and Karen Davidson, Intercessors Team.
The first Wednesday of the month - Worship at 7pm! All classes and the CrossFire Youth Ministry and members of the Worship Ministry will be in the Sanctuary for worship. Classes will start at 7:20pm on these evenings.
CLASS DESCRIPTION: God wrote the PROTOCOL to follow - It's His Word! We will be looking at what we need to do (and BE!) from individual worship and relationship with God to corporate worship and the Church in general!
CURRENT: Bethel Church's Kris Vallotton's "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: the attributes of royalty".
We are called to be sons and daughters of the King, a royal priesthnood and a people of prominence. But so many of us have no idea how royalty behaves. We often can't comprehend the difference between the noble and the common. Join us through December as we continue our study, Protocol In the Sanctuary, with this series.
Every Monday and Thursday - Women's aerobics group. Contact the church office for registration and info about purchasing a punchcard.
and other important dates.....
Married Couples Group is meeting monthly on the third Saturday afternoon. Martha Cisco, contact.
House Church - Mondays, contact Larry and Buelah Grindle.
Freedom In Christ is now meetly twice a month. Contact Martha Cisco for information.
Cherubs of Fire, children's worship dance ministry, is back in session for the Fall. Contact: Karen Davidson for more information.
Branches and additional offices:
(740) 532-5466111 Lincoln St Coal Grove, OH 45638-3119
(216) 631-67643801 Clark Ave Cleveland, OH 44109-1126
(740) 633-5020401 Broadway St Martins Ferry, OH 43935-1320