We’d love to have you join us for worship at St. John’s this weekend. On this website you’ll find all sorts of information about our services and times and what’s happening at St. John’s. We want to make it easy for you to find us and enjoyable when you get here. We look forward to seeing you.
Submitted by Pastor Steve:
People look for signs of God’s presence. It’s built into us from the moment we are born. Our London community sees signs of something happening here at St. John’s as they see the newspaper stories about Lutherfest and the kite festival, as they find that they are welcomed to play on a new playground here, as they watch a new sign, a baseball dugout and a new storage building constructed and they wonder, “Is God’s Holy Spirit at work there? Are they a vital Christian community even in these hard times?”
Sometimes I think people do think that God MUST be at work in a place like that. But in these cynical times, I think that just opens their minds to the possibility. You know what will make up their minds? What they experience in the people of St. John’s. What they experience if they walk through the door for Sunday morning worship, or a funeral, or a wedding, or if they come to Lutherfest or yoga. What they experience when they see and hear a group of Lutherans sitting together at Mariachi’s. What they experience of the effect that Christ is having on our lives. They so want to believe in the possibility of true religious community, true Christian community.
May we be known by the love of Christ shown in our hearts, in our minds, in our speech and in our love for each other and them – that they may see the signs of God’s presence they’ve always looked for.
Submitted by Vicar Steve:
Aren’t the signs of Fall beautiful? The first thing I notice is a drop in the mercury; the intense summer heat has been replaced with a more temperate temperature, sometimes becoming downright cool at night. The days are shorter, and the dusk comes just a few minutes sooner than before. Of course, the leaves on the trees become a vibrant color, some more than others. I must admit, I love the burgundy - that blackish red - the most.
Fall brings other signs. Friday night high school football games are a staple for every small community. Festivals honoring every Fall fruit and gourd dot the countryside. And who can forget the taste of pumpkin pie and of apple cider?
These signs are obvious; however, there are more subtle things happening in the Fall. The ground is changing, preparing to hibernate right along with the roots of my lawn. My body senses the change in the weather, especially the damp, cold days and nights of Central Ohio. Finally, I notice that a few neighbors no longer turn on their porch lights at night; that is because a few weeks ago they already headed to warmer climates.
God’s signs are sometimes right in our faces and are other times so subtle that our every day activities cause us to ignore them. God’s grace is not seasonal; God’s grace is not dictated by a calendar. No, God’s grace is forever present, and its signs are revealed by God to the faithful and to those who have yet to claim the Christ as Savior. Regardless, these revelations have a purpose that is powerful, sometimes mysterious, but always important.
God is faithful. Be aware of the signs - both bold and subtle - which come from God by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
The signs are there; awaken to God’s presence in them.