Lighthouse Assembly of God Church - 820 Cleveland Road East - Huron, Ohio 44839 - Phone: 419-433-8889 - E-mail:
Welcome to Lighthouse Assembly of God Church, located in Huron, Ohio. We are a full-gospel church. The church's senior pastor is Tom Holzaepfel.
If you are searching for a church home, or just care to visit, you are welcome here. Become a part of our family and worship with us. Dress is informal--come as you are.
We are located at 820 Cleveland Road East in Huron, one mile east of the Huron River bridge.
Sunday morning worship
On Sunday mornings, starting at 10 a.m., our lobby is open for fellowship. We have a coffee bar run by the church that serves several varieties of coffee, including flavored and Starbucks. Tea, hot chocolate, water and iced tea is also available. A sweet treat is usually provided as well.
Comfortable seating and tables are set up in the lobby. Guests and members of Lighthouse Church are encouraged to mingle and talk while enjoying refreshments.
Church starts at approximately 10:45 a.m. We encourage you to come early and get to know the people of Lighthouse Church. Visitors are always welcome.
9:30-10:20 a.m. -- Sunday School, with classes for ages five and up
10-10:45 a.m. -- Fellowship time in church lobby
**Check out our Lighthouse Café! Coffee, tea and more are all available.
10:45 a.m. -- Morning service
The service includes a time of singing (contemporary praise and worship), prayer and a sermon. Children's Church, for ages four to 10, is held during the morning service, after praise and worship.
**Nursery for infants to two year olds is available during Sunday School and the regular service.
6 p.m. -- UTH Fire Youth Group
6:30 p.m. -- Foundation Level Bible Study
James Bickley, a deacon of the church, will lead a new Bible study that focuses on the foundations of the faith. Childcare will be available, if Pastor Tom or James are given notice so a babysitter can be secured.
6:30 p.m. -- Beginningers' Level Bible Study
Join Nick and Pam Costello at their home in Berlin Heights for a basic level Bible study that features a question and answer session. Please note that there will be no sitters available for this study.
The lobby of Lighthouse Church and a view up to the main podium.