"These were more noble...they searched the scriptures daily..."(Acts 17:11)
This week's program, Sunday November 7 "God Gives Grace to the Humble" is now available in streaming audio and video.
Next week's program "Get More from God's Word" airs on Sunday November 14
Current Study Guide
Devotionals will be updated whenever possible every workday morning by 9am CST. Links to the devotionals are to the right or at the top of the page.
Study guides will be available the week before the program airs. Links for the guides are in the program description for the current guide. At the top of the page or to the right for archived study guides.
Follow the link to the left or at the top of the page to go to our new blog site. Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed once you are there.
In Search of the Lord's Way is the television outreach ministry of the Edmond church of Christ in Edmond, OK. As of September 1, 2009, the SEARCH program is beginning its 30th year of continual broadcast. Having begun on one small TV station, we are now seen on 76 Broadcast stations, 205 cable and public access stations, 45 radio stations and 2 satellite networks.
It is our FIRM policy to make no solicitations for money or to sell anything on the air. We are funded by local churches of Christ who sponsor the television broadcast in their areas. This is how SearchTV can have a national presence and still be seen as a local ministry. If you would like to support us in your local area please contact us or follow the support link at the top of our home page. Thank you for visiting our website. Be sure to visit our new blog site and check out our daily devotionals page.
Email comments, questions, or requests to: searchtv@searchtv.org