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Adventure Karate
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FREE classes prove how Adventure Karate can benefit you. Kids Karate, MMA, Kickboxing, Grappling, and more.
Address1480 Pearl Rd Brunswick, OH 44212-3470
Phone(330) 220-1585
I urge you to lock the door, take the phone off the hook, kick off your shoes, get comfortable, and READ this short letter (it’ll only take you 8 minutes). It is so important because your child’s future may be at stake.
The 3 BIGGEST Fears Every Parent Faces And

Birthday Party for your child on our NEW and Exciting Rock Climbing Wall and Slack Line. Also includes Bounce House and Rope Swinging Obstacle Course too. - $199 value
Free Team Adventure Karate Uniform - $45 value

2 Free trial private lessons to make sure martial arts is right for your child with no obligation - $50 value

1) Today there are more kidnappings, sexual abuse, school shootings, kids getting forced into gangs or doing destructive
behaviors, while bullying on the playground is now considered an epidemic.
2) Our children are the first generation in the history of the world who are able to get huge amounts of information that’s NOT filtered by their parents or teachers. And we are the first generation of parents to raise children EXPOSED to this much uncensored data.
3) PEER PRESSURE and the difficulties in getting good grades attack your child like a virus. Thanks to the MTV generation, where kids are taught that instant gratification is best, many children turn to negative peer groups, premarital sex and experiment with drugs to help numb all types of daily pressures.
Now, before I show you how I can make your fears vanish in under 21 days so your child can be safe while his grades go up, how I can ensure he’s surrounded by a positive peer group, and how I can guarantee that he won’t get hooked on drugs, let me introduce myself.
My name is Joe Stronsick, father of 2 daughters and loving husband to Lisa. I have a degree from Cleveland State University in psychology and am the owner of Adventure Karate Studio right here in Brunswick. As far as karate schools go, mine is considered a RENEGADE school because unlike other schools who just teach how to kick and punch… we diligently co-mentor with you to build your child’s character. We strive to arm them with life skills that guarantee them a successful future.
Don't take my word for it... here's what some of our parents have to say!

"Both sons have moved up 2 letter grades, it's tremendous. I'm glad I entered my sons into Adventure Karate".

"My name is Keith Nagel and I have two sons in Adventure Karate. Brandon in the Leadership Class and Nicholas in the Black Belt Club. I’ve noticed a tremendous improvement in a lot of areas. Particularly academically in school their grades have come up substantially. Both sons have moved up 2 letter grades, it’s tremendous. They use to fight all the time at home. Now, although they still fight – it’s practicing their karate. I’ve noticed a change in their work ethic and their attitude. They are now working together on stuff when in the past they use to go their separate ways. It’s been a fantastic program for my two sons. Again academically and in just in terms of overall leadership I’ve seen a big difference. I’m very glad I entered them in the program and I wish I got them into it sooner."

"There were just so many different schools and didn't know which one to pick. Then we saw you and was like WOW."
"My name is Chris Kobella and this is my daughter Danielle who is in the Leadership Class. When we were looking into martial arts, there were just so many different schools, and I didn’t know which one to pick. Seeing “The Karate Kid,” I knew I didn’t want that sports thing. I wanted the discipline. Then when we saw you at the school it was like, “Wow.” And reading your pamphlets and stuff, that’s where I wanted my kids to be geared at, and learning self-discipline. I learn a lot! We just love Adventure Karate.
About the changes we have seen so far. Well Danielle is getting less stubborn and bullheaded. We have less screaming matches at each other. She’s helping more at home than she used to, and she’s even doing it on her own spontaneously and asking permission for things. And her sisters are now starting to respond by asking things and getting permission and helping out more. Since Danielle started with martial arts, if she starts doing stuff, then her sister starts picking up on doing stuff like either making their beds or cleaning their rooms, or volunteering – like now Danielle has been helping me cook, and the older one is more willing to do things. It’s helping mom and dad to be a little more patient and to have a little more self-control and discipline."

"Thanks to Adventure Karate he's come a long way in terms of self-discipline."
My name is Ann Marie Meisowitz and this is my son Donald who's 10 years old and in the Leadership Class. Before Adventure Karate, I used to have to tell him to brush his teeth like after a shower or before bed, and now it’s just like a habit for him. It’s not me constantly reminding him. It’s taken quite a load off of me to continuously have to tell him those things. Thanks to Adventure Karate he’s come a long way in terms of self-discipline. Before, like I said I used to argue with him to do things, or if he didn’t get his way, he pouted, and now he doesn’t do that. He’s more verbal with what he’s asking for and not giving me so much resistance. If I tell him now is not a good time, then it’s not, “Why not?” He’s not arguing with me about why he can’t do something. “It’s okay mom.” It’s accepted as that. When other adults are in the room, he’s not rude and interrupting. It’s “Excuse me,” or it’s “Yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir.”
Mr. Meisowitz: Don joined the Leadership group about three or four weeks ago, and last week we got a call from his teacher saying that in the past couple of weeks, his behavior has been a lot better in class. His attitude has changed, he’s helping out. Basically, he’s been 100% different than he was before. Ever since he joined leadership he’s improved even more.
Don Meisowitz: I think Adventure Karate is fun and it’s very instructive for yourself, and you learn how to be successful in life. I’m getting grounded less. I’ve been doing my chores more and more often. I’ve been helping out with everybody. The reason I’m taking martial arts at Adventure Karate is because it helps me be successful in life, and you have something constructive to do instead of doing bad stuff.

What’s Karate Got To Do With Giving Your Child A Head Start In Life?
Please understand that I have studied martial arts for over 20 years and NEVER had to use it to hurt anyone. However, I did use the skills I learned to finish college, become a world famous drummer endorsed by 2 major drum companies, be interviewed on CNN, ABC, FOX, in Redbook, and USA Today. And now I’m running my highly acclaimed, Adventure Karate Program that will give your child a head start in life. I’m not bragging about my accomplishments… just the skills that helped me AND will help your children excel in life.
The Whole Key To This Is NOT Just Kicking and Punching… any school can do that.

Here’s How I Can Help With This:
I know you’re doing everything you can to teach your children core values like discipline, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-control, focus, manners, etc. But you may need help.

Let Me Tell You What Your Child Will Get From The Adventure Karate Program
I have witnessed hundreds of children benefit from our unique approach to teaching martial arts. I started this type of program when I lived in California back in 1996, and now it’s available here in Brunswick. The benefits of this program are priceless.
Take a look…

Overweight children who lost a few pounds through self-discipline and exercise gain tremendous amounts of self esteem and self confidence.

Concentration is improved as your child learns that education of the mind is just as important as training the body.

Physical skills are taught that will give your child UNSTOPPABLE self-confidence. Nobody Can Stop A Child Who Has Earned A Black Belt From Accomplishing His Goals!

Children learn to understand self-discipline and why it is absolutely necessary for success. This alone often improves grades in school.

Motivation increases, and a positive mental attitude develops. This allows children to learn from their failures and grow from their successes.

Goal setting skills are taught and given practical application. Your child will gain the self-confidence and self-discipline to say “NO” to drugs and other negative pressures.

Stranger Danger is given as a priority. This includes little known advice on how to spot and avoid predators and what to do if danger is unavoidable.

Your child will be in an environment of social interaction, sportsmanship, camaraderie and fun! A lot of sports like gymnastics focus on the girls’ weight. And in sports like baseball, where the coach is more concerned about winning and sitting kids on the bench that are no good… it’s no wonder kids struggle through life thinking They’re Not Good Enough. Not at my school. Every child is equal. You will not find a more positive activity for your child… anywhere.

Your child will know the importance of learning things on his own. Our students are encouraged to take the time to ask questions so they can discover answers for themselves.

Your child will also learn a Top Secret used by Harvard Graduates to ace tests. It doesn’t matter what your child’s grades are or if he was ever told he wasn’t smart enough. It works in over 97% of kids who know about it. BEST PART… they can use this secret the very first day they are here.

He’ll become familiarized with the “old-fashioned” ethics you learned when you grew up.

We teach with praise, correction, and praise. Unique to our school and not found elsewhere, they receive incentives for praise like getting a special red star that goes on their karate uniform for chores completed at home over a one month period. There are incentives for grades, manners, chores, etc.

This is no easy task, as this specialized type of education is NOT taught in schools. And is not taught on football, baseball, or soccer fields either. Unfortunately, it's not even being taught in our community organizations or religious groups. These life skills, if taught to children at a young age, can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of their lives and how successful they become.

But let me cut to the chase...
Most people don’t understand that self-confidence, discipline, self-esteem and self-control just to name a few are learned behaviors. Children are NOT born with these traits. They have to be learned. Some children appear to have these traits naturally, but I guarantee under certain peer pressure these types of traits will quickly disappear unless they have been learned and REINFORCED by role playing. We’re not just teaching kids how to kick and punch; we’re teaching these learned behaviors and reinforcing them. I know for a fact that this will save a lot of lives. Our entire children’s curriculum is centered around Life Skills and Goal Setting. If you’re a parent who wants the best for your child, look no further than the Adventure Karate Program.
A Dose Of Reality So You Can Understand The Importance Of All Of This…
In the beginning of this letter, I told you how the SKILLS I learned from karate helped me finish college, become a world famous drummer, got me interviewed on CNN, ABC, FOX, and in Redbook, etc. But I feel most importantly that these skills saved me during the bad times - times when children can choose to give in, give up, or choose a path that leads to destruction.
So here’s my point…
Your kids are bombarded every day with an amount of negative peer pressure that only a super hero can handle. I put my life into this martial arts program. It’s a unique and powerful program that can turn your child into…
A Superhero That Can Also Get Through The Bad Times In Life
Without Tuning OUT, Turning To Drugs Or Premarital Sex
They say that once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Likewise, once skills and habits are learned, they become a part of your child, theirs forever to achieve, grow, and improve. I have witnessed this through hundreds of children who have experienced our program. I have had countless parents tell me their child is a different child after only a short time in our program. Parents, teachers, and principals report a growth in confidence, improved self-discipline, growth in leadership skills, better grades in school and on and on.
What better gift to give your child than to empower them with greater self-esteem, confidence, focus, and concentration? At Adventure Karate, we have developed a specialized program which combines physical training with life skills development.
You know, self-esteem through earning belt ranks is found nowhere else but in the Martial Arts. Your child may not know what self-esteem is, but after coming here for a minimum of two months, he will earn a yellow belt and feel like a million dollars, and you will be here to see the great job he has done. Doesn’t that sound interesting to you?
But Obviously You’re Thinking:
“How can I know for sure the Adventure Karate Program will work for my child?" Here's the easiest, Risk Free way for you to find out.

"I believe it’s helping her in school, where she’s not getting into a clique at school. She’s becoming her own self, being a leader."
Hi, I'm Wavia Jones and I live in Brunswick. This is my daughter Jennifer who's also in Leadership Class. I wanted martial arts for self-esteem and leadership skills. Instead of being the follower, Jennifer will do what’s right. Adventure Karate is developing her character. It’s more self-control, focus, discipline, becoming a leader, and knowing what’s right and wrong, I believe it’s helping her in school, where she’s not getting into a clique at school. She’s becoming her own self, being a leader. Like I had mentioned before, I don’t care if Adventure Karate costs $500 a month. This is what she needs. This is what’s going to help her future, build her character, and I believe that this instills enough in her that she can teach her children this way. Money is not an issue. She’s definitely going to continue doing this. With Adventure Karate, you guys are a godsend, because this is just conditioning her for her future.
Jennifer: I like Leadership because I have a lot of friends here, and they definitely bring out a different kind of personality in me, so I’m a lot more cheerful and happy.

"I heard a lot of good things about Adventure Karate and the character development, and that's what he's getting here."
I'm Steve Shardshmidt and my son Brandon is in Leadership Class. I heard a lot of good things about Adventure Karate and the character development, and that’s what he’s getting here. What he’s getting is definitely opening up his thought processes to life, how to treat people, the right way to go about things, how to control your anger. He’s definitely paying attention to his homework. Everything is directly in line with what we’re preaching at home. We talk about respecting your parents, and at the end of the day, he knows I’ve worked a long day, and so does my wife. At the end of the karate class, you explain to the class to “Thank your parents. They brought you here. They’re sitting here. They’re waiting for you.” So those are a few examples. Again I like the character development. That’s #1 with me. But secondly, he’s learning to defend himself, and in today’s society, that’s important too. So it’s twofold for me
Brandon: I like that you have a Leadership class and you get to do extra things that teach me how to have self-control and not to do what other people do. Like you were saying today, not following the same path as other kids that do bad things. One good thing is that I listen more now to my parents. One positive thing is I’m taking more time to do my homework by studying more.

No, I'd like to make it possible for you to see, first hand, and with your own child (and, at my own personal expense), exactly how we make good on all these stunning claims.
Now, here comes the good part. I've made it incredibly easy. Here's how:
Take Advantage of the FREE Introductory Program: (A $59.00 value.) I'm offering you two 15 minute, one-on-one (just your child and the teacher) lessons -- for FREE and with absolutely not strings attached. See for yourself if, in fact, I can give your child the powerful benefits promised in this letter.

Class One: Your child begins by learning the profound influence of the Martial Arts "bow." Then, watch as he:

Then, you will glow with pride as you here him recite the first principle of the Student Creed:
"I intent to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health."
We finish with a lot of "high fives," smiles, and a surprise FREE gift for your child.

Instantly become more powerful by learning two simple skills of "shifting body weight."
Then, you will watch with pride as your child, along with the teacher, recites another part of the Student Creed:
I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others."
Finally, you will stand and cheer (and, if you are like many other parents, with a tear of pride in your eye) as your child is awarded the White Belt, signifying that she has passed all the Introductory Requirements and is ready to be a Karate Student.

Believe me. With just these two short lessons, your child will come away with their self confidence greatly improved. Not just in how she feels. She’ll actually end up with real “life skills.” Skills that she can put to powerful use right now, today.
All while enjoying the fun and excitement of an upbeat Martial Art Program.

FREE Karate Uniform (A $50 value). If you're among the first 25 to call, I'll even give your child a genuine Karate uniform. It's his to keep, even if you decide the "Adventure Karate" program is not what you are looking for.
I urge you to call today and schedule your FREE Introductory Program. It might be the most important thing you ever do. You'll be glad you did. (You can also fill out the online form below)

Adventure Karate – We Turn Kids Into Superheroes
Adventure Karate 1480 Pearl Rd Brunswick Ohio 44212 In the Brunswick Plaza cross the street from Edwards and Visintainer Elementary Schools, in the same plaza as Polaris Church and Diamond Event Center.

P.P.S. This offer is only good for new students interested in finding out what our program is about.

Birthday Party for your child on our NEW and Exciting Rock Climbing Wall and Slack Line. Alsoincludes Bounce House and Rope Swinging Obstacle Course too. - $199 value


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