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Church of Our Saviour
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From I-71 Southbound take the Wm. Howard Taft Exit, west. Left on Auburn, then Right on Hollister.
Address65 E Hollister St Cincinnati, OH 45219-1796
Phone(513) 241-1870
We are a diverse, integrated, and growing urban parish, embracing both the catholic and the protestant traditions of the Church. Somos una parroquia urbana y integrada de pueblos diversos. Abarcamos tradiciones catlicas y protestantes.
Our Parish has a history of involvement in the Mt.Auburn community. The first HeadStart Program in Mt.Auburn was here; The Mt. Auburn Community Council first met here; Bethany House (a shelter for homeless mothers and children) began in our Rectory; AIDS Volunteers of Cincinnati (AVOC) had its first office here. For twenty years we were proud to be home to the New Spirit Metropolitan Community Church. Tenemos una historia de accin en la comunidad, incluyendo HeadStart, Concilio de la Comunidad Mt. Auburn, casa de refugio para mujeres y nios, organizacin de apoyo para personas afectadas de SIDA, y la Iglesia Comunidad Metropolitana.
Our principal gatherings as a community are to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, also known as Communion or the Mass. We believe that Christ is truly present to us in people gathered, in Word proclaimed, and in bread broken and shared. Nuestras reunines principales sonpara celebrar la Eucarista, tambin llamada la Comunin o la Misa. Creemos que Cristo es presente en el Pueblo recogido, en la Palabra proclamada, y en el Pan compartido.
All of ourcommon life and workare offered towards the joyful liberation and empowerment of God's children. We seek to become an outpost of the Reign of God. Toda nuestra vida y trabajo comn ofrendemos hacia la liberacin y poder para los hijos y hijas de Dios. Queremos ser avanzado del Reino de Dios.

In Mt. Auburn, between UC and the Christ Hospital. Hollister Street runs between Auburn and Vine, one block South of McMillan.
From I-71 Southbound take the Wm.Howard Taft Exit, west. Left on Auburn, then Right on Hollister. From I-71 Northbound take the Reading Road Exit, veer to left on Burnet, then left on WHTaft, left on Auburn, right on Hollister.From I-75take the Hopple Street Exit, east on Hopple (after passing under I-75 it becomes MLKing Blvd.), right on Clifton Ave, left on McMillan through Vine St., right on Auburn, right on Hollister. Elevator access to all levels from ground level entrance. De I-75, Salida 3(Hopple St) hacia el Este (despus de pasar abajo de I-75 su nombre se cambia a Martin Luther King). Doble a la derecha en Ave. Clifton, a la izquierda en McMillan, pase por Vine St. y doble a la derecha en Av. Auburn, entonces derecha en Hollister.

We're The Episcopal Church. Perhaps you've heard about us in the news. Somos La Iglesia Episcopal. Quizs Ustedhaya escuchado de nosotros en la prensa.
Some of our own Anglican archbishops claimthat we're heretics who have abandoned faith for trendiness.Or that we reject the Scriptures and the authority of Jesus in our common life.Hay Arzobispos Anglicanos quienes dicen que somos herticos, que hemos abandonado la fe por lo moderno, o que hemos rechazado las escrituras y la autoridad de Jess en nuestra vida comn.
Well, here's the reality. Episcopalians don't all agree on everything. We don't believe that any person or group has the authority to tell all of us what scripture must mean, or whom God can call. It's hard to live with strong disagreements but we do, because we value community over uniformity. Pues la realidad es ste. Episcopalianos no nos acordamos en todo. No creemos que ninguna persona o grupo tiene la autoridad de decirnos que quiere decir las escrituras o a quien puede Dios llamar. Es dficil vivir con grandes desacuerdos, pero lo hacemos porque apreciamos la comunidad ms que la uniformidad.
Episcopalians care about scripture, tradition, and the reasoning of a prayerful community as it breaks bread together and attempts to follow Jesus. We care about seeking justice, loving compassion, and walking observantly with God. We care most about the people God has put in our midst, in our church and beyond. Los Episcopalianos estiman las escrituras, la tradicin y el razonar de una comunidad en oracin compartiendo el pan e intentando seguir a Jess. Nos preocupamos por buscar la justicia, compasin amorosa y caminar observadamente con Dios. Nos preocupamos mayormente por el pueblo quienes Dios nos ha confiado en nuestra iglesia y afuera de ella.

Jesus said, "No one has greater love than this, that one lay down one's life for one's friends." We will not turn our back on our friends -- regardless of their status, or importance or lack of it, in the eyes of others-- for political posturing or to save ourselves. And we will still seek reconciliation with the people who would cast us out for that! Jess dijo, No hay amor ms grande que ste, de alquien que da su vida por sus amigos. No le daremos la espalda a nuestros amigos, a pesar de su status, su importancia o falta de ella ante los ojos de otros -- por intereses polticos o por salvar a nosotros mismos. Y todava buscaremos la reconciliacin con las personas quines nos echara fuera a causa de eso.
If you are looking for a spiritual home that values who you are more than how you make us look, The Episcopal Church will welcome you.Si est buscando una comunidad de fe, quienes valora quien eres ms de lo que nos hace parecer: La Iglesia Episcopal le da la bienvenida.
If you want a community of faith that cherishes your friendship more than what we can get out of it, The Episcopal Church will welcome you. Si quieres una comunidad de fe que aprecia su amistad ms de lo que podamos sacar de ella, La Iglesia Episcopal le da la bienvenida.
If you want to know that you are included --and so is everyone else whether they are like you or not-- The Episcopal Church is here for you! Si quiere saber que Usted est includo , as como todos los dems, ya sea que son como usted o no, La Iglesia Episcopal est aqu para Usted.


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