... there is life after bankruptcy
Athena Inembolidis, Bankruptcy Attorney • 625 City Park Avenue • Columbus, Ohio 43206 • Phone: 614-222-0055
Is Bankruptcy still available?
What is Bankruptcy?
What is Chapter 13?
How do I know if I should file?
Why should I file for bankruptcy?
How long does the process take?
Will I lose my house?
Will I lose my car?
Do I have to file with my spouse?
What happens to my credit?
Should I transfer my car or house into someone elses name?
Am I a bad person for filing?
Should I use a debt consolidation company?
How much does a bankruptcy cost?
Im not behind on my bills. Can I still file?
FIND HELP... for your financial problems!
Let an experienced debt-relief agency, Athena Inembolidis, Attorney at Law, help determine if bankruptcy is an option for you.
Take the first step toward a better tomorrow.
Call (614) 222-0055 today! Most people feel
a weight lifted by the end of the free initial consultation.
Our understanding, compassion and dedication are unsurpassed. We will simplify the process of bankruptcy for you so you can STOP:
understanding, compassion, dedication
We simplify the process so you can focus on other things! We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Athena Inembolidis, Attorney at Law
625 City Park Avenue