Providing Legal Support For A Brighter Future
Your job and your marriage can be two of the most important aspects of your life. If you are unhappy with your marriage or unable to work, your future might not seem bright.
Our Grove City lawyers have 25 years of experience helping clients seek a brighter future. We can provide appropriate legal support to help you obtain the benefits you need in order to pay your bills and maintain your household. Our attorneys can also help you proceed with a divorce.
Helping Workers Who Cannot Work
Have you been out of work due to a long-term illness or disability? Are bills piling up? Are you worried about losing your home? The attorneys at Jeffrey Buskirk & Associates understand your unique medical and financial situation. We know you want to work, but other factors prevent you from earning a wage.
The Social Security Administration exists to provide financial security to workers during trying times. When you have been injured or are too ill to work, you may have the right to receive benefits that will compensate for your lost income. You can file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Our attorneys can help prepare the required forms and assist you with your claim from the initial application through the final stage.
At Jeffrey Buskirk & Associates, we understand the importance of convenient, private divorce proceedings. If you and your spouse can agree on certain arrangements and financial details, we can use private judges for uncontested hearings.
Seeking legal support during difficult times is the first step toward a brighter future. Please contact us at 877-786-6705 or send us an e-mail for a free consultation.
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