Welcome to OurDoctorStore.com!
OurDoctorStore.com is a unique online program that takes the age-old concept of In-Office Dispensing and does something surprising—it makes it actually work. Plus, it's a lot easier than you're probably expecting. For more information, please call John Moroney at (312)373-9294 or e-mail info@OurDoctorStore.com.
1. We set up your online store.
We'll provide you with a custom e-commerce Web site that includes your picture and practice's name where you can send patients to order the products you recommend. It's In-Office Dispensing for the 21st Century.
2. We manage everything for you.
There's no inventory for you or your staff to manage because everything is ordered online and shipped directly to your patients via Priority Mail. We'll even manage your Web site store for you.
3. Look out for your patients' interests.
Your patients can stop searching drug store shelves, and you can be more certain they'll get the exact product and size you recommend. Plus, we only carry the most respected national brands, and patients without insurance will enjoy significant savings over drug store prices.
4. Help your office—no matter the size.
Whether your practice has one doctor or twenty, you can benefit from the additional value that partnering with OurDoctorStore.com provides.
5. NEW! Enjoy access to our exclusive "Just-In-Time Inventory" service, The Doctor Warehouse.
The Doctor Warehouse (TDW) is a convenient way to order durable medical equipment online, without the burden and cost of carrying your own inventory. TDW eliminates the upfront costs and headaches associated with stocking your own inventory, and still allows you to bill items to insurance. "Just-In-Time Inventory" is especially desirable for practices that have multiple locations where DME must be stored at each facility. Ask us to tell you more!
Call Us to Get Started Today!
We're committed to ensuring that this program works for your office. So why wait to join? For more information, please call John Moroney at (312)373-9294 or e-mail info@OurDoctorStore.com.
60201 : Protection Plus Classic Underwear Moderate
1002 : Ossur Airform Night Splint
602 : Active Wrap Hot/Cold Therapy Back Model
7940 : Juzo Silver Sole Socks- Knee High 5760
Branches and additional offices:
(440) 546-56567954 Broadview Rd Broadview Heights, OH 44147-1202
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7368 KingsGate Way, Suite B West Chester, OH 45069