Welcome to Neff Chiropratic
The Doctors at Neff Chiropractic are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives-- combining skill and expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum. Dr. David and Dr. Brandi are committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care. Patients seeking treatment at Neff Chiropractic are assured of receiving only the finest quality care through the use of modern chiropractic equipment and technology. Drs'. David and Brandi and the staff have a genuine concern for your well-being!
If you are new to our web site, please feel to read over our site and acquaint yourself with the many services we offer. We are confident you will find the wide variety to be a great compliment to your current health care plan.
Why I am a Doctor Of Chiropractic
Because I honor the inborn potential of everyone to be truly healthy. Because I desire to help the newborn, the aged, and those without hope. Because I choose to care for the patient with the disease, not the disease. Because I wish to assist rather than intrude; to free rather than control. Because I seek to correct the cause, not its effect. Because I know doctors do not heal, only the body can heal itself. Because I have been called to serve others. Because everyday I get to witness miracles.
We are a physical therapy rehabilitation center dedicated to getting you home sooner. Offering a full continuum of services, we believe positivity makes for the most healthful environment. Visit us to