If you are in search of a church home, we hope that you will stop by and visit us. We would be very happy to have you come and worship with us. We are a Christian community dedicated to, first and foremost, the worship and praise of God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit.
This website is not an exhaustive source of information but we hope that it is enough for you to learn about us, where we are located and, how we encourage faith enrichment, spiritual growth and personal development. It is our prayer that together we can walk in faithfulness and obedience to what Jesus Christ teaches and to depend fully in the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us.
Please take a moment to review the list of our church ministries and our mission outreach programs. The events calendar may have an activity which might interest you in attending. Feel free to call the church office during the posted regular office hours if you have questions.
First Baptist Church of Bedford, Ohio
445 Turney Road • Bedford, Ohio 44146 Phone (440) 232-0694 • FAX (440) 232-8330