The Leaders in Non-Manipulative Manual Therapy for Pain Relief!
At Hands On Physical Therapy we utilize hands on techniques proven to reduce musculoskeletal pain, correct postural imbalance and improve function. Our therapists use non-manipulative techniques such as myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, ATM2 , and deep tissue mobilization to get you fast results. Individual exercise programs are then established and home programs initiated to maximize treatment outcomes.
Our goal is to provide fast, effective treatment to relieve your musculoskeletal problems and allow you to reach your goals. We understand the need for a systematic approach of care. After the completion of the initial evaluation that includes a comprehensive postural analysis, range of motion, and strength testing the client is educated on their problems and a plan of care is outlined. The client treatment is offered on a one to one basis utilizing the hands on skills of a licensed therapist to release and stretch muscles, joints, and surrounding soft tissue. Your entire treatment will be provided by a licensed physical therapist and not from unlicensed rehab staff as in other large general practices. Therefore, client outcomes are improved and compliance of home exercise programs and lifestyle changes are maximized.
Branches and additional offices:
(440) 951-955334536 Lake Shore Blvd Eastlake, OH 44095-2002