Preston's will provide you the opportunity to adventure into the world of beauty. In order to establish success, one must also have the desire for this profession. This is a career that moves with you wherever life may take you. In order to be successful in whatever profession you may decide in life, you must enjoy what you are doing. In the world of beauty, enjoyment brings creativity and creativity brings success.
Preston's Beauty Academy thanks you for your interest in our academy. Please allow yourself the opportunity to explore the cosmetology world and the world of nails and/or esthetics or all three if you so desire. Preston's will prepare you for a lifelong journey in the beauty industry.
Imagine in three to twelve months you have completed your education and are on your way to establishing a lifelong dream for yourself. Have you ever thought of owning your own business? At Preston's we believe all things are possible with hard work and dedication.
You are invited to visit us at anytime while the school is in session. Please feel free to call or E-mail at your convenience.
Branches and additional offices:
(740) 374-54341303 Colegate Dr Marietta, OH 45750-1328