Celebrating our 28th year! 1982 - 2010 Become a Fan on Facebook!
Imagine your home looking like one of the pictures here on our website!
Dream about decorating your home with our expertise. We understand that it's difficult to imagine color combinations and height/texture questions, so let our 35 years experiance guide you.
"Wow" is what we hear from both new and long time customers. We blend new introductions and standards with tropicals to showcase your home. We are one of the premier growers in Ohio, why not stop in today and see for yourself!
My wife Sadie can imagine how a hanging basket or planter will turn out before it's ever planted. We grow the most spectacular hanging baskets you'll ever see!
We also teach you the tricks to maintaining your plants throughout the summer. Your success with our plants is important to us.
We specialize in unique and hard to find flowers that complement your home and help decorate your outdoors.
See how Europe uses colors to decorate their homes and businesses. We will provide the expertise and flowers to make your home the envy of the neighborhood! Let us help. Stop in today! 330-899-9230