If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, this can be a difficult and confusing time. However, this new technology called Cryotherapy can make a real difference in the treatment of this disease.
It is a minimally invasive procedure that freezes the prostate from -20 to -40 degrees Centigrade, causing death to the cancer cells within a few minutes
Cryotherapy was developed to correct the approximate 30% chance of Radiation failure, either by Seeds or by External Radiation. It is an alternative to radical surgery as a primary treatment and so far it compares favorably to surgery at 12 years follow-up; and is well indicated to cases of local advanced disease, not qualified for radical surgery.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, takes close to two hours, and patients are kept in the hospital for a 23 hour observation.
Dr. Felipe-Morales introduced this procedure to Cincinnati 2 years ago. He has performed more than 50 cases, and so far all of his prostatic biopsies of control at 6 months after the Cryotherapy had no more evidence of cancer and with reports of PSA below 0.5 ng/ml.
Some Facts about Prostate Cancer: Each year there are 180,000 cases of cancer diagnosed. 38,000 people die each year to Prostate Cancer African Americans are at 3-times higher risk to develop it
What is PSA and Free PSA?
This is a blood testing. PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) is only produced by prostatic cells normally up to 4.0 ng/ml; however in cases of inflammation, normal growing (BPH), infection, or cancer, the PSA becomes elevated. An abnormal PSA gives the clues of possible cancer, however even with a normal PSA, some patients may still have cancer.
"Free PSA" is a fraction of the total PSA which can detect patients who have a higher probability of cancer if the percent of the Free PSA is below 25%.
What is a Gleason Score?In the picture below, you will see 5 different "grades" of cancer identified by Dr. Gleason more than 40 years ago. By adding the most common grade identified in the biopsy to the second most common, for example 3 + 4 = 7, we call this a score of 7. This score gives us the prognosis of the cancer and what treatment will be most effective. The best score would be 2, and the worst would be 10 For instance, a Gleason score of 7 means the patient will have a 50% chance of Metastasis. A Gleason score of 10 means a 100% chance of microscopic or gross Metastasis.
What is Metastasis?
Metastasis means that the cancer cells have seeped out of the prostatic gland by way of the blood vessels or lymphatic ones and started growing in the bones, lung, lymph nodes, etectera. This means that the patient is in the last stage of cancer of the prostate.
Medicare and all other insurance coverage makes Cryotherapy an Affordable option.
Dr. Felipe-Morales can help you with Prostate Cancer. Cryoptherapy can also be an effective treatment for Kidney Cancer and all regular urology issues including benign obstructive growth of the prostate.
Call today to schedule an appointment!