We are open Monday through Friday. Walk-ins are welcome, but it is best to call for an appointment.
Monday & Wednesday: 7:30am. - 5:30pm.
Tuesday & Thursday : 2:00pm. - 6:30pm.
Friday: 7:30am. - 1:00pm.
"Life Is Better With Your Head On Straight!"
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Call now to schedule your appointment at (419) 886-7007.
Dr. Matt uses a specific adjusting technique called Atlas Orthogonal. What is Atlas Orthogonal?
It is a very specific and gentle technique that uses precise measurements to adjust your neck. Each person is adjusted according to the SPECIFIC degrees or angles that they need adjusted! We understand that not everyone has the same problem, and that is why we use a very specific and effective technique, called Atlas Orthogonal. For more information visit our techniques page, or call our office.
Check out our techniques page for information about what is offered at our office.
Watch the clips below and learn from their amazing stories
about how Atlas Orthogonal changed their outlook on life!
"The Doctor's" TV Show and "The Montel Williams Show" both featured a chiropractic technique called Atlas Orthogonal on their shows.
Dr. Beachy has been practicing this technique for over 5 years in Bellville, Ohio, and is the ONLY practicing Atlas Orthogonist from Cleveland to Columbus!
Montel Williams tells how Atlas Orthogonal changed his life
The Doctor's tv show learns about Atlas Orthogonal