We trust this interactive website will be helpful and informative.
As Lead Pastor, I want to extend a thank you for visiting the site and checking out Journey. We stand ready to be a blessing to you and your family. Let us know if we can be of service!
Our vision for the church has always been CHANGED LIVES. You know the church is not a business but if it was, what would it produce? Unfortunately, many churches only "produce" ice cream socials, opportunities for "church work", and lifeless traditions. If we had a "product" it would be changed lives! Isn't that what everyone is looking for?
If you're looking for a church, why not visit Journey? I believe you'll find it to be genuinely friendly and welcoming. The worship services are contemporary, energetic, anointed, and challenging. The ministries at Journey are filled by nearly 70% of the membership, as everyone is helped to discover their purpose and destiny in life and then released to do it! It's an exciting place!
Journey is a new way of doing church, reaching a new generation for Jesus! We stand ready to be of service to you. There are many ways to connect to Journey Life Center: Email at econnect@journeylifecenter.org, Office number 419-747-2404, 24 Hour Prayer Hotline 419-747-4951, Facebook page www.facebook.com search journey life center. Feel free to contact us anytime.
I hope to see you soon! Our prayer is that God will richly bless and prosper you on your journey.
All ladies are welcome to come to JLCs annual progressive dinner. We will enjoy appetizers, the main course, and desert at three different homes in the Mansfield and Lexington areas. The evening will begin at the home of Sandra Montgomery and will start at 6:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!