Welcome to amoebadesigns.net and apexfusion.com. I am an artist of many different mediums. From skin to tattoo machines to metal sculptures,etc... I dabble with a lot of different things. I have been tattooing since late 1993, building machines since 2001 and making metal sculptures since 2005 and have always been an artist since I could hold a crayon. Info on metal sculptures is on the "Art Gallery" page. For info on machines such as ordering check out the "available machines" section. New machines for sale are also located in "available machines". I set up a secure "buy now" button through Paypal that accepts credit card payments even if you don't have a Paypal account. Check it out!
For info about Apex Fusion Tattoo Studio (the studio I tattoo at) check out http://www.myspace.com/apexfusion
and Apex Fusion on Facebook
The shop website is looking for a new home so info about the shop and its artists will be on Myspace and Facebook for the time being. Check it out and please add us as a friend!
The shop is located at:
I work hard to make beautiful one of a kind tattoo machines. Chinese companies who know nothing about tattooing are constantly copying and making cheap, crappy tattoo machines by stealing designs from top quality builders and mass producing the hell out of them to try to turn a profit. It cheapens the industry as these hunks of shit pop up all over Ebay and are sold to anyone who bids on the auction, professional or not. This is a dangerous practice and Ebay will not regulate it at all. To put tattoo equipment in the hands of the untrained public is the same as someone ordering a dentist drill off of Ebay and working on peoples teeth at their kitchen table...the outcome will never be good.
As you can see they matched the shape exactly...however the texture, hardware and coils look like total shit. Epic FAIL on their end and being overseas there really is nothing legally I can do about it. International lawyers would be super costly. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.....well I'm not flattered at all because I'm sure not compensated in any way for this blatant theft. Hell give me some free Chinese food at the least.