In business in the Cleveland, Ohio area for more than 30 years, B&W Landscaping offers the most comprehensive landscaping services in the Northern Ohio area. Experience shows, and you will see that whether your yard needs a total makeover or simple maintenance. From complete yard design, shrub & ornamental tree installation, tree injections, patios, hardscapes, walks, walls and ponds, B & W Landscaping is the Cleveland landscaping company you need to make your yard beautiful throughout the seasons.
There are many reasons northeastern Ohio considers B&W Landscaping successful
landscapers. One being our great customer relation skills. We have managed and grown our business in a highly competitive marketplace. We stay creative and up to date on the latest trends to make sure that we can deliver beautiful hardscapes to our clients as well as the latest trends in landscape lighting. In order to do that, we have to be a bit of a detective in order to pinpoint the problem when your yard or landscape begins to decline. We also have to be scientifically accurate when deciding what types of fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides a customer may need. We also need to be a bit of a gemologist in order to pick just the right stones for the centerpiece in your hardscape. Basically, we're supplied with enough different kinds of information in order to do your job effectively. We are very adamant that each issue be filled with solid business information and artistically oriented ideas.
Please see our SERVICES section for a list what we can do for your yard. For details and questions, please email or call us at 440-734-3868.
Did you know? Homeowners that have installed hardscapes see a return on investment of 2.5 to 3 times the amount when they sell their property?