Simple New Testament Faith. Sometimes the simplest things are the best, such as living by the simple, guidelines found in the New Testament. That is the focus of our church.
Love is the greatest command and the guiding principle of the Christian faith. Realizing that in the way we treat people is the challenge of living faithfully, day by day. No one likes rigorously dogmatic rules that wear people down and destroy faith. Instead, we're all about loving God and loving others, building up faith, and demonstrating love by serving others. That's what we are striving for in everything that we say, teach, and do.
We are here to serve Xenia and Greene County as ambassadors of Christ. We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect Savior who is risen and makes all things new. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith and the starting point of everything we do. If you are looking for a church home, here you will find acceptance and forgiveness, restoration and community, and people striving to live faithfully, devoted to God.
You are always welcome to come for a visit and see if we are a church you would like to call home. Explore our website and discover as much about us as you like.
Our mission is to bring people to Jesus and help them become fully devoted followers who demonstrate God's love through service.