Sunday, December 5 at 11:45 a.m. (after service) we will be hosting a "Flying Flapjacks" Brunch, put on by the Youth Groups as a fundraiser. Chris Cakes, who is the Guinness world record holder for fastest pancake flipper, will be doing the food. Her has served 4 presidents and will now be serving us! Tickets are just $6.00 a person (4 yrs old and under eat free). Contact the church office or Nikki Greendyke for tickets today!
Sunday, December 12 our LOGOS Christmas Program will be held! Come see our LOGOS group put on the best Christmas show in town (or at least we think it is!)
Sunday, December 19, our Alleluia Choir will perform during church service. At 5:00 p.m.that same day, First Presbyterian will have a caroling party, where our carollers will sing to our home-bound members, followed by a party at Dick & Dianne Brown's house!
Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Service will be held at 7:00 p.m., with a beautiful Choir Cantata that is unique and spiritual. Prior to the candlelight service, Terri Fryman will perform a Piano/Organ Recital for the community at 6:30 p.m. Come share with us the beautiful warmth of christian fellowship on this Christmas Eve.
LOGOS, our free Wednesday night children's program will run through April 13, 2011. This program is for children ages 2 through 5th grade. The LOGOS groups meet from 5:00 - 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. We encourage all parents to bring their children and their children's friends! The kids will have fun with music, games, sound biblical teaching and a FREE MEAL at 6:30 p.m.!
JAM & SR High Youth Groups will also meet on Wednesdays and will also have lots of fun with our new Youth Director, Nikki Greendyke. Jr & Sr High groups are also invited to eat a FREE MEAL provided on Wednesday nights. JAM (Jr. High) meet at 5:30 p.m. and the Sr. High group meets at 7:00. Jr. High Youth members should come 30 minutes early to eat.
Daily Devotionals are a great way to study the messages of the Bible and to live your life by these words.
This program is designed to help you read through the Bible with Daily Devotionals for a year.