Lee Winters Florist, your local Toledo florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Toledo, OH area.
520 Madison Ave. Spitzer Building Toledo, OH 43609 (419)893-3220 (800)379-3554
CHRISTMASBIRTHDAYWINTER OCCASIONSChristmasHanukkahAnniversaryBirthdayGet WellLove & RomanceMake Someone SmileNew BabySympathyThank YouPRICE$45 - $55$55 - $75$75 - $100$100 - $150FLOWERSFlowers in a GiftWinter BouquetsBest SellersModernPlantsRoses
Send Holiday Cheer!
Christmas is Saturday, December 25th
Christmas Flowers
Birthday Flowers
Open House December 3 - noon to 7 p.m. Dec. 4- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 5 - noon to 3 p.m.
Branches and additional offices:
(419) 244-4629
520 Madison Ave Ste 7 Toledo, OH 43604-1300
Abates Floral & Gifts, your local Chesterland florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Chesterland, OH area.
- 7080 Mulberry Rd Chesterland, OH 44026
- (440) 729-3616
A New Leaf Florist, your local Bellefontaine florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Bellefontaine, OH area.
- 111 N Main St Bellefontaine, OH 43311
- (937) 592-5333
Akron Colonial Florists, Inc., your local Akron florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Akron, OH area. Akron Colonial Florists, Inc.
- 1843 S Main St Akron, OH 44301-2459
- (330) 773-6624
Michaels Florist & Gifts, your local Springfield florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Springfield, OH area.
- 920 Selma Rd Springfield, OH 45505
- (937) 325-0800
Jasmine Rose Florist & Tuxedo Rental, your local Loveland florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Loveland, OH area.
- 1517 State Route 28 Loveland, OH 45140-6085
- (513) 722-1000