Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church. We are a mid-size congregation located in the middle of Bellville, Ohio. More than geographic location, we are located in the heart of God. We have experienced God’s wonderful love poured out upon us and are passionate about sharing that love with others. In order to live fully in God’s love we seek to trust God with all our heart. This is not easy to do but as we learn God’s loving desires for us, we cannot help but tell others about God’s love and care for others using the gifts God has given us.
Living and Sharing God’s Love.
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.
We live and share our faith in Jesus Christ by:
Trusting God with all our heart,
Learning God’s desire for us,
Telling others about God’s love, and
Caring for others using the gifts God gives us
Sunday, December 12 6:30 p.m.
The title of this year’s Christmas Play
is The Bethlehem Project. The
Bethlehem Project features the traditional
Christmas story but with a fresh twist. The
Bethlehem Kids and the Shepherd Kids
don't get along until they find the Savior.
The musical has lots of humor and
colorful characters but moves to a pointed
message of love, salvation, and
reconciliation. It includes a wide variety
of fun song styles: contemporary, country,
'50s rock and roll, rap, calypso, and more.
There are fresh treatments of traditional
carols along with new songs.
Sunday, November7 Kid’s Alive! hour
Sunday, November 14 Kid’s Alive! hour
Sunday, November 21 Kid’s Alive! hour
Sunday, November 28 Kid’s Alive! hour
Saturday, December 4 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Sunday, Dec. 6 Kid’s Alive! hour
Saturday, Dec. 11 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Sunday, December 12 Kid’s Alive! hour
Speaking parts and solos will be handed
out on Sunday, November 14th.
To sign -up or if you have questions please contact Kurt Beal at 419-612-6950 or nkbeal@yahoo.com
Sunday, December 19 at Both Services
Starting September 13th:
The Monday Night Bible Study group will meet Monday evenings at the church at 7 pm. It is a twelve week study of Max Lucado's 3:16