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Generations of Faith Registration - December 13/14, 2010
Father Don's Homilies
Fr. Mark's Homilies
Deacon Jerry's Homilies
Ministries at St. John
Children's Faith Formation
Youth Ministry and Young Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Liturgy of the Word with Children
Hearing God's Voice
Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Faith Family!
5-6-32 ~ 11-21-10
Saturday, November 27 - Visitation 9:30-11:00am in the Church Gathering Space
Mass of Christian Burial at 11am
Burial at Gate of Heaven Cemetery immediately following the Mass
Remember - the Parish Office will be closed untilMonday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday!
Generations of Faith - December 13/14
Movedrecently? New email address? Please update your information!
If you have any questions about our website, please send a message to
Branches and additional offices:
(740) 477-885211450 Brown St Stoutsville, OH 43154-
(937) 839-421820 E South St West Alexandria, OH 45381-1257