America has had a long love affair with one of the greatest symbols of sport driving: the Corvette. When one of these beauties rolls across the American highway, heads cannot help but turn. Now, you can put yourself in the driver's seat and in the center of attention by owning one of these sleek, classical automobiles.
Performance Plus Corvettes locates and makes available any Corvette or Muscle Car that your heart desires. Every week, Performance Plus Corvettes offers a new line up of classics from 1953 to the present. Many of our Corvettes have been professionally Restored to meet the National Corvette Restorers Society Specifications and Some even carry honors such as the Bloomington Gold Certification, and the Coveted Triple Crown. If by chance Performance Plus Corvettes does not have your dream machine, we will put our car finder department to work for you and locate the Corvette or Muscle car that will inspire you to take the long road home.
- Noel E. Grace