103 William Howard Taft Road, Cincinnati Ohio, 45219
Telephone: (513) 281-5945 Email: office@mtauburnpresby.org
This is Christ's Church and together we are seeking to love the world as the Beloved did. We also seek to be as embracing as Jesus was. Therefore, everyone is invited into full membership and ministry regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, or worldly condition. Come join us on Sunday for education, worship and fellowship.
Join us each Sunday at 9:45 for Encounters classes for both children and adults. Refer to the following brochures for more details about planned topics.
Job Opening - posted 11/12/2010
Encounters Coordinator: Children and Youth Church School Coordinator
Supervise and coordinate Encounters (MAPC Christian Education Program) for children and youth
Attend meetings to support the Pastor and Encounters Committee
Organize and promote the use of volunteer teachers and leadership
Click on the following link to view the entire job ad which contains qualifications, responsibilities, terms, and contact information.
Posted Wednesday, 20-Oct-2010 20:56:35 EDT
Posted Wednesday, 20-Oct-2010 20:56:17 EDT
Posted Friday, 19-Nov-2010 16:19:18 EST
Posted Friday, 19-Nov-2010 16:19:22 EST
Posted Friday, 19-Nov-2010 09:33:23 EST
Posted Friday, 19-Nov-2010 16:19:19 EST
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This is an external site where members and friends may post announcements and photos.
Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church Facebook Page
This is another Facebook page containing articles and other links of interest as well as information on upcoming events. You must have a facebook login ID in order to view this page.
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For technical issues such as broken links, contact the Website Administrator.
As with any organization, our church includes various individuals serving in leadership or on committees. For general inquiries about our church, questions about the content of this website, or more specific information not found on this website: contact the Administration Manager who will forward your request to the person or group that may provide the best answer. Be sure to include information as to how you wish to be contacted - email ID, postal address, and/or phone number.
Placement of any external website link on this site does not necessarily imply endorsement by Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church. Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church is not responsible for content on linked external websites.
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