Doctors of Chiropractic are "Nerve Specialists". Chiropractic is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions. Chiropractic, proper nutrition and a positive outlook on life can lead to a happy and healthier you. Please check the buttons at the left to learn more about a particular ailment. Remember that we treat many other conditions than those listed. If your condition is not listed please feel free to call. Remember there is never a charge for consultation. Dr. McClure is always happy to talk with you.
Well the good news is that most insurance plans cover Chiropractic. Dr. McClure has been accepted as a provider on most insurance plans available in the Middletown area. Ohio Bureau of Workers Comp covers Chiropractic. In you are involved in an auto accident you are usually covered. McClure Chiropractic handles most of the paperwork for you and electronically bills your insurance.
We are always happy to help. While reading through some of the conditions at the left; keep in mind people you know. Do you have a family member, a relative, friend or someone you work with that may be suffering from one of these conditions. Is there someone you play sports with, or go to school with who may be having a health challenge. Remember that many times a person will live with the pain because they do not know where to go to get help; or sometimes they are just afraid of the truth and do not want to know. Sometimes they think it may be too expensive. The five most dangerous words are "Maybe it will go away". Usually it will just get worse. At McClure Chiropractic there is never a charge for consultation. Call us at 513-423-7855 Monday thru Friday for a telephone consultation or make an appointment for a personal consultation. We will be happy to talk with you and let you know if you may have a Chiropractic problem. Remember to let a friend know about us, you will be happy you did and so will they.