If you run your own business, you know how important it is to find the right business partner. You know how important an accountant can be. But not all accountants are created equal!
Most accountants do a fine job recording the history you give them. They compile monthly, quarterly, and annual books and records. At tax time, they put the "right" numbers in the "right" boxes on the "right" forms. But then they call it a day.
My name is Dave Toney, and at AccounTax, we're different. We don't just record history. We help you write it, with a proactive attitude and a complete menu of tax, accounting, and financial planning services.
It doesn't matter how good your accountant is with a stack of receipts on April 15.
To minimize your taxes, you need a plan. You need concepts and strategies that leave more on your bottom line.
Do you have the right benefit plans for yourself and your employees?
Do you have the right retirement plan to prepare for your future?
Are you taking advantage of all the legitimate deductions, credits, loopholes, and strategies the Tax Code allows?
Call me at 513-528-5566 for your free Tax and Business Analysis. We'll find the mistakes and missed opportiunities that can cost you thousands, then show you how proactive planning can rescue those lost dollars.
I guarantee you'll leave with new information, or I'll donate $50 to your favorite charity. So call today!
Download Our Free Report: 10 Most Expensive Tax Mistakes That Cost You Thousands!
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