5089 Johnstown Road, New Albany OH 43054, phone 614 855-4882
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Temple Beth Shalom is a warm and inclusive congregation whose members are inspired to explore and express Judaism within the broad and dynamic framework of Reform beliefs and practices. We seek to provide Jewish spiritual, educational and social opportunities which encourage personal development and social responsibility as well as promote greater knowledge of our Jewish history and culture. A Brief Overview
We are a 400+ member Columbus-area Reform Jewish Congregation offering weekly Sabbath Services, religious and Hebrew schooling and Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring, personalized lifecycle observances, family and adult educational programming, social, charitable, and cultural activities, conversion, pastoral counseling, and much, much more.
Our Temple was organized in December 1977. We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Rabbi Howard L. Apothaker, Ph.D. has served as our Rabbi since 1980. In 2008, Rabbi Benjy A. Bar-Lev joined the congregation as our Assistant Rabbi and Director of Education, and in 2009, Rabbi Deborah Lefton joined the congregation as our Jewish Identity Specialist. Cantorial soloists and musicians provide music for services, the religious and Hebrew schools, and other Temple events and activities.
Learn about our Guiding Principles and our regular services and social events.
The November edition of The Window is now available.
An unexpected technical problem apparently prevented folks from seeing the October Window on this website. This has now been fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The October edition of The Window is now available.