The Mission of the Vinton County Health Department is to work with local residents to promote and protect their health. This mission is accomplished through programs and activities designed to minimize disease, illness, and injury.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Main Phone, Vital Statistics, Administration, Public Health
(740) 596-5233 or toll free (800) 596-5233
Home Health Division
(740) 596-4573 or toll free (866) 874-4767
Vinton County Help Me Grow
(740) 596-9705 or toll free (800) 287-4020
Agency and Mailing Address:
31927 State Route 93, McArthur OH 45651
Branches and additional offices:
(740) 596-3529205 S Market St Mc Arthur, OH 45651-1221
(740) 596-5233State Route 93 N Mc Arthur, OH 45651